Your home’s foundation provides a stabilizing base for your house. However, your foundation can become compromised over time. Factors such as changes in soil moisture, poor construction methods, or even a natural disaster could cause damage to your foundation. Getting the foundation properly repaired is crucial to the integrity of your home and safety. According to This Old House, the weight of an average foundation is about 7.5 tons. Therefore, it’s critical that your repairs are done quickly and effectively. Let’s take a look at what to expect during a foundation repair.
The first step of this process will be to have a foundation inspection performed by a foundation repair provider in your area. During inspections, a professional will search the foundation for signs of damage and weakness. Damage will show up as cracks in the foundation or even in the walls. Our foundation professionals will take precise measurements to determine if you have significant damage. This can help us determine how much movement has taken place and where that movement has occurred.
Following the inspection, a repair plan will be developed for your home. It’s important for you to know that you cannot do foundation repairs on your own. You’ll need licensed certified foundation repair experts. This is a dangerous and involved process that requires a certain set of skills, tools, and equipment. After a repair plan has been completed, your home will require added support. This usually includes hydraulic jacks or steel piers.
The foundation will then be raised using hydraulic jacks. This will lift the sunken areas of the home to the right elevation. The foundation can now be repaired and the foundation will then be level again. Repairs can be done through a few different methods. One method is the pressed pile method. This involves concrete piles that can be pressed into the soil to create a support system. Another method is steel piers. The most common method is hydraulic jacks, which can lift your home.
This is just a bit of what you need to know about foundation repair. If you’re in need of this type of work, please contact Schexnaydre Restoration & Construction today. We are here for your foundation repair needs.
Ascension Parish
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