13057 Hwy 44, Gonzales, LA 70737, US


Schexnaydre Restoration & Construction

Have a construction-related question? We have the answer. Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for more information!

  • What funding options are available to me as a homeowner?

    There are a few funding options available if you want foundation repairs or need to restore your home. One option is a Parish-Level Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant. This grant is funded by FEMA and is available after a major disaster has been declared.

    Severe Repetitive Loss is another FEMA grant available to homeowners who have experienced repeated flooding. According to our experts, flooding can also be covered up to $30,000 through Increased Cost of Compliance coverage. Finally, a Federal Housing Administration 203k Loan is a mortgage program that can help you repair and update old or damaged properties.

    Business owners will be happy to learn that they can find funding as well. Small Business Administration Mitigation Loans can help small businesses through non-construction expenses. This can be helpful if you've lost a large amount of inventory to a disaster. Call Schexnaydre Restoration & Construction today to learn more about your funding options!

  • How do I know if my property qualifies as a Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) property?

    You will need to call your local floodplain manager to find out whether your property qualifies for an SRL grant. This grant is typically only available to properties that have experienced repeated flooding, which can lead to extensive foundation repairs. Call Schexnaydre Restoration & Construction today for help finding your floodplain manager.

  • How do I know if my home needs repair?

    Uneven or sloping floors may indicate a need for house leveling. You may also notice cracks in the drywall, ceramic floors, walls, and brick. A few other indicators are nails popping out of sheetrock, bowing walls, and visible spaces between the walls, ceiling, and floor. It's a good idea to view your house from the outside. If you notice that it's leaning to one side, it's probably time to call the experts at Schexnaydre Restoration & Construction.

  • How much do you charge for your services?

    Every project is unique to us. We offer free estimates and will work with you to provide a solution to fit your budget. According to Forbes, The average cost for foundation repair is between $2,250 and $8,600, but your costs could fall below or above that amount depending on the level of damage.

  • How do I know whether I'm required to elevate my home?

    If your home has been deemed substantially damaged and does not meet your municipality's code for elevation, you will have to invest in home elevation before you remodel. We are happy to assist you in determining whether or not you meet those requirements. Call Schexnaydre Restoration & Construction to get started with a free estimate!

  • What does substantial damage mean?

    Even if your home badly needs foundation repairs, it may not always fall under the definition of "substantial damage." This determination is made by your local government, which is generally a floodplain manager or building official. Substantial damage applies to a structure in a Special Flood Hazard Area — or a 1% annual-chance floodplain — for which the total cost of repairs is 50% or more of the structure’s market value before the disaster occurred, regardless of the cause of damage. This percentage could vary among jurisdictions, but must not be below National Flood Insurance Program standards. Search online for FEMA's fact sheet on substantial damage or call Schexnaydre Restoration & Construction today for more information.

  • What is Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC) coverage?

    ICC coverage is a resource available for those with existing flood insurance who may need assistance with rebuilding or house leveling after a flood. It provides up to $30,000 to help cover the cost of mitigation measures. ICC can also pay for improvements if your property has sustained repetitive losses.

  • How high will I have to elevate my home?

    Home elevation varies depending on your local municipality's building and construction code. Give Schexnaydre Restoration & Construction a call today so we can assist you in determining these factors.

  • What is base flood elevation?

    According to FEMA, base flood elevation occurs when the elevation of water from a flood has at least a 1% chance of equaling or exceeding that level in a year. Continual flooding can result in substantial foundation repairs, which can be covered by government grants. Call Schexnaydre Restoration & Construction today for assistance with FEMA's Flood Insurance Rate Map for Louisiana.

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